Enabling Build Mode Everywhere

Now that we have the world running, let's make our first modification.

Normally, in Repose, you can only open the build mode when you're within the designated "build mode area". However, there's a flag that controls this behavior which we can change fairly easily.

1. Setting the Solution Explorer to Folder View

Skip this step if you're on Linux.

In Visual Studio, there's a "Solution Explorer" (tall window on the left by default). We need to put it into Folder View, so we can easily see our files.

To do so: find the button with a purple logo at the top of the Solution Explorer (to the right of the house icon). Click it, then click Folder View.

2. Modifying SharedConfig.h

Now that we can easily see our file tree, we want to open Repose/Source/ConfigOverrides/Override/SharedConfig.h.

At the bottom of this header is RESTRICT_TILE_UPDATES. Change true to false and save the file (VS: Ctrl+S or "File" → "Save All"). Then, build the project again (VS: "Build" → "Build All").

Now when you run your client/server, you should be able to press 'b' to open the build mode anywhere! Changing this flag has actually done two things:

  1. Disabled the client-side "are you in the build area" check when you press the 'b' key.
  2. Disabled the server-side "is the client in the build area" check when it receives a tile update message.