Building And Running Locally On Windows
1. Installing Visual Studio
Download Visual Studio 2022 Community and install it. Choose the "Visual C++" or "Desktop development with C++" option if prompted.
Be sure to download Visual Studio and not Visual Studio Code, a confusingly-named different program.
2. Downloading the project files
We're going to use Repose as our example project. Download the project's source code and unzip it.
Or, if you're comfortable cloning a git repo, you can instead run:
git clone --recursive
3. Building the project
Open Visual Studio and select "Continue without code". Once in the editor, select "File" → "Open" → "CMake". In the file picker, navigate to the "Repose" folder that we unzipped and choose "CMakeLists.txt".
In the the top bar, look for a dropdown menu that says "x64-Debug" and change it to "x64-Release". It will start auto-configuring, wait for it to finish.
We're ready to build! Select "Build" → "Build All".
4. Running the server and client
After the build step is complete, we can go look for our executables.
Open the Repose/Build/Windows/Release/Source folder and you should see Client and Server folders.
Open the Server folder and double-click Server.exe, then open the Client folder and double-click Client.exe. You now should be able to press the "Connect" button in the client to connect to your server.
Congratulations! You're now in full control of your own virtual world.