Hello future person, thanks for visiting my website and checking out the engine. I appreciate you taking the time.
I'm getting close now to finishing this site, I just have the home page left to style. I worry that a lot of people will consider the site design dated, or the engine unappealing. But that's fine, I've accepted that I have to build things that I believe in—things that carry my personality. My choices won't be for everyone, but hopefully this will all resonate with some people.
I've been working on this project for about three years now, at night and on weekends. It's been hard to work alone for so long since the whole goal is to bring people together, but the hope of helping people has kept me motivated. There's a lot of people suffering alone out there, who don't have any real friends to turn to. Virtual worlds should be the answer—they should provide approachable, compelling ways to find your little community. They did exactly that for me when I needed it the most. But they aren't good at consistently bringing people together anymore. I hope this project serves as a step back in that direction.
If this project does end up forming communities and you become a part of one, please be kind. The rest of the internet may be full of anger and judgment, but our worlds can be different. That's why we make virtual worlds: to have somewhere to go when you need it. A place full of kind friends and good memories. I'm fortunate enough to have lots of both now, and I want everyone else to as well.
I hope you have a nice day,